Volume Is Queen.

The story of Party City’s eComm Production Team centered on teamwork and efficiency. Producing quality at scale was the result.

Web 1.0 > 2.0: Content Migration.

Launched a site refresh that required migrating 200,000 product images from one CMS to another.

PDP Template: Kit Design.

Fun design challenge for the updated Product Description Page template.

Piñata Kits: Kiddie Candy Dilemma.

Big project requested by the CEO with a short deadline and an outdated vendor product image.

Digital Publishing: It Gets Technical. And Global.

The transition from traditional publishing to edtech.

Turn the Workflow Upside Down.

Turn the textbook creative development and production process on its head by using video as the starting point.

Judge a Series by Its Covers.

Create a series cover concept with one perfect image.