Execute. Deliver. Repeat.
I help my partners organize, align, and succeed through communication, focusing on the little details, pragmatic, iterative processes, and knowing our why.
What do you need? I got you.
My Approach.
Map it out. Talk it through. Trust in the process. Follow up. Then follow up some more.
I believe in the power of planning, and in being prepared to bypass inevitable obstacles—keeping a sharp eye on the details, anticipating roadblocks and staying flexible when they arise, and collaborating through all of it.
I like to get all of the thinking out of the way, and slide into the satisfying flow-state of doing. I love leading, and I enjoy being hands-on and getting it done. Understanding the why and having a clear, defined roadmap are key to opening up the space to execute.
Look ahead. Keep steady. Move forward. Follow through.
eCommerce Projects.
Volume Is Queen.
The task: Manage 300 projects annually, totaling 84,000 product images and 63,000 product descriptions during my 5+ years’ tenure as eCommerce Production Manager at Party City.
Primary skills: Communication, teamwork & growth mindsets, cross-functional relationship building, time management, flexibility, a sense of humor.
Web 1.0 > 2.0: Content Migration.
The task: Migrate 200,000 product images to our new CMS for Site 2.0 design refresh, while continuing to publish new product content on the OG.
Primary skills: Technical, communication, organization, detail orientation, and time management.
Product Description Page Template: Kit Design.
Task: Design 12 kit layouts per pattern such that each increases or decreases in size visually, depending on two shopping metrics: product quantity tiers and guest count.
Primary skills: Creative concepting and collaboration.
Piñata Kits: Kiddie Candy Dilemma.
Task: Create 50 new piñata kit images in two days upon CEO’s request. Realize on Day 2 that the product copy for the candy is correct, but the image is outdated.
Primary skills: Problem solving and fast-paced execution.
Publishing Projects.
Digital Publishing: It Gets Technical. And Global.
Task: Transfer skill set to an all-digital publishing world.
Primary skills: XML, Jira, digital asset management, and global collaboration.
Turn the Workflow Upside Down.
Task: Start with video content and build 96-leveled readers from it.
Primary skills: Redefining workflow, flexibility, budget and time management.
Judge a Series by Its Covers.
Task: Development a coherent cover strategy for the series.
Primary skills: Creative concepting, license negotiation, and budget management.